Two South Sudanese refugee dead from snake bites send by host communities in Yangalita refugee settlement of Bidibidi

Occurred in Uganda on at
Reported by Anonymous via Walk-in / in person on March 6, 2019 at 8:20 a.m.
Also heard by 4 other(s)
# dead # Refugee # host community # SouthSudanese # Snake bite # bidi-bidi

This report is Confirmed true and is of Medium Priority. Here is why -
Reliable sourecs in Yangalita village in Bidibidi refugee settlement confirmed two south Sudanese refugee dead in two separate incidence one 28 years old man bitten by snake while cutting a tree for construction in the near by forest on February 20 he was bitten in the bush a distant away from the settlement where no one was able to come for his rescue and subsequently he dead of the snake bite. The other incident happened in block C where a young girl stepped on the snake at night and was bitten and unknowing that it was a snake bite and later she dead in the morning of 27 of February at around 4;45 Am and was buried the following day. But the allegation that the snakes were send by the host community wasn't true.
Resolution added by - Sebit Martin
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